有没有山东地区搞IE的朋友啊,最好是服装行业, 偶在济南一测绘行业做IE,快做不下去了大家来交流下,北方IE该如何开展? Access Floor systems deliver high performance benefits to improve the indoor environment and sustainable benefits that reduce energy and material use while remaining cost competitive to traditional c**truction. As a result raised floors with underfloor service distribution have become a standard solution in commercial c**truction.
Rising energy prices, new legislation and heightened environmental awareness are changing the demandson the built environment. Today many new buildings and major renovati** strive to offer healthy flexible indoor spaces that reduce the environmental impact of c**truction and building operation.
Access Floor Benefits:
Energy Savings
Design Flexibility
Under-Floor Heating and Cooling
Air Quality
Economical C**truction Costs
Green Building (LEED)
Access Floor 不知道 有没有青岛的
有!服装业山东半岛很多,但是IE做这行的好像很少 在山东,内资企业好像不怎么重视ie;相反韩资、日资倒是比较看重;是否是因为在人家国内就很流行呀
我也是山东的 我是山东的,不过在宁波工作! 我是青岛的!期待交流! 家电制造业! 我在滨州一家服装企业做IE主管,有时间可以交流。。。