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I put music from itunes on the really slow home computer onto CDs and want to put those CDs on my laptop.My laptop also has itunes. But the home computer is almost 7 years old. We think it runs so slowly b/c it has so much junk clogging up the hard drive. But it is possible it could have a virus that my parents don't know about. If I put the CDs onto my laptop, could it get infected with a virus?get my ex girlfriend back 一看到楼主的气势,我就觉得楼主同在社区里灌水的那帮小混蛋有着本质的差别,那忧郁的语调,那熟悉的签名,还有字里行间高屋建瓴的辞藻。 楼上你为何这么吊 潜水出来冒泡 我是个凑数的。。。 如果你感觉我ID帅气,请粉我 谢谢楼主的信息 不错,支持下楼主 工业工程,精益生产基础啊 云鲸机器人在哪有卖的