作者: Bloomberg News 编译:Smart-Plant Kevin Ho, president of itshandset product line, told the CES Asia conference in Shanghai on Wednesday thecompany used science fiction movies like "The Matrix" to envisionfuture trends and new business ideas. 2016年5月11日,华为手机产品线总裁何铸明在上海举办的CES亚洲消费电子展上借用科幻电影《黑客帝国》形象地展现了未来人类的发展方向和商业构想。 "Hunger, poverty, disease or even death maynot be a problem by 2035, or 25 years from now," he said. "In thefuture you may be able to purchase computing capacity to serve as a surrogate,to pass the baton from the physical world to the digital world." 何铸明表示,“到2035年,或25年后,饥饿、贫穷、疾病、甚至是死亡都不再是问题。未来人们很有可能买到某种计算力,也能用数据把物质世界存留下来。” He described a future where children could use appslike WeChat to interact with dead grandparents, thanks to the ability todownload human consciousness into computers. All of these technologies wouldrequire huge amounts of data storage, which in turn could generate business forHuawei, he added. 何铸明还说到,一旦研发出了从电脑上下载人类意识的技术,以后的孩子就可以用类似微信这样的社交工具和过世的爷爷奶奶互动通话。当然,实现这项技术需要海量的数据存储,这也正是华为的商业契机所在。 Ho also referred to a scene in "The Matrix" where acharacter downloads the ability to fly a helicopter. 他还提到了《黑客帝国》里的一幕,影片中的人物成功地为自己下载了开直升机的能力。 "That kind of data download volume exceeds current levels," he said."In the future storage will need to exceed 15,000 Zettabytes so this is ahuge increase." 他说:“这么大的数据量超出了我们目前的水平。未来数据存储一定要有飞跃性地增长,须超过1.5万ZB。” Post-Human Society 后人类社会 In Silicon Valley, high-tech companies like Google have discussedlong-term planning for a post-human society, while Calico and venturecapitalist Peter Thiel have both raised the prospect of immortality. 在硅谷,谷歌等高科技企业已经在热议后人类社会的长远规划,而谷歌旗下的Calico和风险投资家彼得·蒂尔也使人类永生的可能性大大提高。 SpaceX founder Elon Musk has long held the goal of transportinghumanity to colonies on other planets. 美国太空探索技术公司创始人埃隆·马斯克长久以来都为能在其他星球建立人类殖民地而努力。 But it is rare for established Chinese technology firms likeHuawei to make business preparations based on the intangible possibilitiesfacing the species. Ho said science fiction films helped spur his team toconsider new product lines. 而在中国,像华为这样的高科技企业却很少,在为人类所面临的无形与未知而做商业规划。何铸明表示是科幻片激发了团队研发新产品线的灵感。 "A lot of science fiction has prompted me to have this typeof thinking – in science fiction we've seen some terrible worlds wheretechnology destroys human society," he said. Ho described a film in whicha character — apparently an AI persona —absorbs ideas from books then launches an attack on humanity. "There's avery interesting film where Mr. Wong has a task of downloading books, he alsohas a task of printing books and later he kills human beings. Therefore we needbetter safety technology. 何铸明说:“科幻片看多了,我就会想:在很多科幻片里,最终都是科技催毁了人类社会。”他还提到他看过的一部电影,影片中人工智能从书本中汲取了人类智慧,然后对人类发动了攻击。“有部电影很有意思,王先生的任务就是下载书籍,还有印书,后来他毁灭了人类。所以说我们一定要有很强的的安全技术。” "We need authentication, better tech protection and remotedefense – we are developing all of these now." “我们得有验证、技术保护、和远程防卫—正好我们现在就在做这些。” |