想问下ERP用的好的公司,ERP上有没有可以把生产计划排的像甘特图那样的功能?以便于跟踪!Linton (2008-12-29 09:49:14)ERP上本来用甘特图来做生产计划, Do you have ERP system ?
A Gantt chart is a powerful and preferred visual reporting device used for conveying a project's schedule. A typical Gantt chart graphically displays the work breakdown, total duration needed to complete tasks, as well as %completion. The Gantt chart itself will not display level of effort, and is not an effective planning tool on its own. Today, Gantt Charts may be integrated with other spreadsheet-type reporting devices that convey additional information related to project planning. Furthermore, Gantt Charts are often enhanced with functionality that includes the identification of relationships between tasks, and the ability to dynamically.wzd (2008-12-29 11:46:27)Microsoft visio中就有。我所知道的erp就是实时监控的一个系统,无法实现excel、visio中的一些内容。吉文 (2009-2-24 18:26:54)有的,我们公司用的天思ERP就有,但是相关的约束条件设定不完善,有点形式化。 |