alliedsmt (2007-10-16 15:32:29)一般只有塑胶的黄卡才有这个信息.
Thermal Endurance
The temperature below which a class of critical property will not be unacceptably compromised through chemical thermal degradation, over the reasonable life of an electrical product (relative to a reference material having a confirmed, acceptable corresponding performance) is defined as the Relative Thermal Index (RTI More than one RTI may be appropriate for a given material depending on the property requirements for a given application. In certain cases, higher temperatures are permitted if so specified by the end-use product standard.
RTI Elec — Electrical RTI, associated with critical insulating properties.
RTI Mech Imp — Mechanical Impact RTI, associated with critical impact resistance, toughness, elongation and flexibility properties.
RTI Mech Str — Mechanical Strength (Mechanical without Impact) RTI, associated with critical mechanical strength and structural integrity where impact resistance, resilience and flexibility may not be essential.weixiangbao (2007-10-16 20:29:47)找了几个朋友终于弄明白了,同时感谢alliedsmt!:)