</script>请教一下以下标准分别是用于什么产品的: UL 1015, UL 62, UL 817.
Thanks!!! hua0530 (2007-5-16 13:46:13)哈哈,还有这样问的啊,第一次碰到wzw6321 (2007-5-18 09:41:56)I've checkedthe relative standard:
1. UL 62 used for Flexible Cords and Cables;
2. UL 758 used for Appliance Wiring Material;
3. UL 817 used for Cord Sets and Power-Supply Cords;
4. UL 1977 used for Component Connectors for Use in Data, Signal, Control and Power Applications.
BTW, UL 1015 is the type of lead wire. |