
UL名词解释? _ 工业工程网


UL名词解释? _ 工业工程网[复制链接]

IRTOO 发表于 2010-10-2 23:14:54 [显示全部楼层] 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式 回复:  30 浏览:  1190
</script>谁知道 QMMY2 & QMFZ2 是什么啊?shqshqs7288 (2005-8-01 15:49:54)QMMY2是一个关于塑料生产厂 废料重复利用的一个认证,也就是如果获得这个认证塑料生产厂就不能把过多的废料粉碎后加到原材料里,我前几天刚找了一个这样的供应商给我们生产一种塑料件。你可以打电话咨询UL 美华认证。闻风 (2005-8-02 08:05:42)你们那个供应商是不是做的UL746D的认证啊?shqshqs7288 (2005-8-02 10:33:25)Percentage by Weight of Use of Reprocessed Thermoplastic Material (Regrind)
1. Underwriters Laboratories Inc. has been requested to provide information and clarification to the ITE Industry on the maximum allowable percentage of reprocessed/regrind thermoplastic material that may be used in a manufacturer's molding process of thermoplastics used in equipment subjected to UL Follow-up Service. This is an established UL Follow-up Service requirement that is applicable to thermoplastic material utilized in all product categories where specific thermoplastic material is identified in the end-use Procedure. It is not a new requirement nor is it exclusive to ITE.
2. Unless otherwise stated in the Follow-Up Service Procedure, virgin reprocessed/reground thermoplastic materials is not permitted to exceed 25% by weight of the material that has been dry blended and thoroughly mixed by the molder with the same grade of virgin material. Reprocessed/reground thermoplastic material refers to ground or chopped flash, runners, and non-contaminated rejected parts that were produced by the molder during the initial molding operations.
3. Materials other than virgin thermoplastic, such as thermoplastic elastomers, thermoset, and recycled materials, are not authorized by Underwriters Laboratories Inc to be reprocessed/reground for products covered under UL Follow-up Service unless subject to special investigation. These materials are not permitted to be employed in the molding/fabrication of parts, unless the results of a separate investigation and Follow-Up Service Procedure coverage indicate acceptable performance for the specific part that contains regrind of these materials.
4. UL's rationale for the 25% limit on reprocessed thermoplastic material is based on input from the plastics industry, where it has been agreed that percentages up to about 25% regrind do not significantly compromise the properties of the virgin thermoplastic material. Above 25% regrind, the implications on any indices and properties defined as part of the original material certification are unknown without further testing. This philosophy is a key component of UL's Fabricated Parts certification as described under paragraph 8.2 of UL 746D, the Standard for Polymeric Materials - Fabricated Parts, and is described under the current Appendix A, Standardized Appendix Pages for Recognized Component - Fabricated Parts (QMMY2
5. To comply with UL Follow-up Service requirements, if the molding takes place at the end product location, the manufacturing records should be made available to the UL Representative(s) upon their request, to verify the percentage of regrind utilized. If the molded parts are being supplied from an outside source, and have been accepted in the past based on a Certificate of Compliance (C of C), UL Follow-up Service Field Representatives have been instructed to accept the percent regrind information identified on the C of C. The information should declare that the reprocessed material content of the received molded parts does not exceed 25%. We will also accept a procurement requirement on Purchase Orders to molders, and that a conformance statement appear on the documentation accompanying each shipment. This documentation must be traceable to the individual lot(s) of delivered molded parts. All verification information should be formatted in accordance with accepted business practices and comprehensible to the UL Representative(s
6. Should the component molder have Plastic Recognized Component coverage under the Fabricated Parts category (QMMY2), further verification will not be required. In this category, the maximum allowable percentage of reprocessed/regrind thermoplastic material requirements are verified at those facilities visited by the UL Representatives.
Questions regarding the above should be directed to your local UL 1950 Project Engineer.闻风 (2005-8-02 12:30:13)非常感谢 我们是做注塑产品的,有没有机会成为你们的供应商啊:)shqshqs7288 (2005-8-02 13:02:51)有可能阿,我们在青岛,不过在上海有采购中心,把你们公司的简介发上来看看吧viralbo (2006-5-17 02:16:44)5楼是做业务的?在这里拉生意~~~~~~
shilucun 发表于 2020-10-13 20:03:21 显示全部楼层
softland0107 发表于 2020-10-13 20:05:51 显示全部楼层
jkwwk0919 发表于 2020-10-13 20:14:54 显示全部楼层
人性的堕 发表于 2020-10-13 20:37:46 显示全部楼层
没看完~~~~~~ 先顶,好同志
xuyun 发表于 2020-10-13 20:38:32 显示全部楼层
010210 发表于 2020-10-13 20:49:12 显示全部楼层
aaron+ 发表于 2020-10-13 20:50:45 显示全部楼层
yangtao 发表于 2020-10-13 20:51:11 显示全部楼层
lyl110 发表于 2020-10-13 20:52:31 显示全部楼层
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