</script>最近在搞低电压产品的安规认证,想请教各位关于标签擦试试验的具体方法是什么? litaishan (2007-2-27 11:58:49)通过视检并通过用手拿沽水的布擦拭标志15s,再用沾汽油的布擦拭15s来检查其合格性。
2.用于此试验的汽油是脂肪族溶剂己烷,其按容积的最大芳烃含量为0.1%,贝壳松脂丁醇值为29,始沸点约为 65 摄氏度,干点约为69摄氏度,密度约为0.66 kg/L商道即为人道 (2007-2-27 13:29:08)好样的,兄弟,谢谢回复。但不知道针对这一块的测试是否有什么国家标准可以对应的呢?这样的话,我们可以结客户看,比较有说服力。cindy7731 (2007-2-27 13:35:29)依照下面的标准要求进行
From IEC 61010-1 Page 57:
5.3 Durability of markings
Markings in accordance with 5.1.2 to 5.2 shall remain clear and legible under conditions of
NORMAL USE and resist the effects of cleaning agents specified by the manufacturer.
Conformity is checked by inspection and by performing the following test for durability of
markings on the outside of the equipment. The markings are rubbed by hand, without undue
pressure, for 30 s with a cloth soaked with the specified cleaning agent (or, if not specified,
with isopropyl alcohol
The markings shall be clearly legible after the above treatment, and adhesive labels shall not
have worked loose or become curled at the edgeslitaishan (2007-2-27 20:02:05)"通过视检并通过用手拿沽水的布擦拭标志15s,再用沾汽油的布擦拭15s来检查其合格性。
2.用于此试验的汽油是脂肪族溶剂己烷,其按容积的最大芳烃含量为0.1%,贝壳松脂丁醇值为29,始沸点约为 65 摄氏度,干点约为69摄氏度,密度约为0.66 kg/L"
以上是IEC60335-1标准上的摘录bkk (2007-3-21 20:50:55)嗨,楼上的都说完啦,小样我只要看看就可以拉
是水和正己烷各15秒擦拭哦 |