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Advanced manufacturing technologies are helping to push the United States back toward being the most competitive manufacturing nation in the world, according to a new survy of global CEOs and other senior executives. 智能拖地机器人,云鲸 NARWAL
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智能拖地机器人,云鲸 NARWAL先进的制造技术将让美国“重拾旧日河山”,成为全球制造业第一大国。 本网站官方群 工业工程5000人群号 249148633
智能拖地机器人,云鲸 NARWAL 本网站官方群 工业工程5000人群号 249148633
智能拖地机器人,云鲸 NARWALWhile China is the world’s most competitive manufacturing nation, according to the 2016 Global Manufacturing Competitiveness Index developed by Deloitte and the Council on Competitiveness, the U.S., now ranked second, is expected to take the top spot by 2020. 本网站官方群 工业工程5000人群号 249148633
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根据Deloitte公司和美国竞争力委员会发布的《2016年全球制造业竞争力指数》我们可以看出,目前中国仍居首位,美国排名第二,但美国有望在2020年赶超中国。 本网站官方群 工业工程5000人群号 249148633
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U.S. manufacturers are investing in technologies such as predictive analytics, the Internet of Things (IoT), smart factories, and advanced materials that will be keys to improved competitiveness in the coming years. Other traditional manufacturing powerhouses – Germany, Japan and the United Kingdom – are making similar investments that will maintain or improve their competitive positions. 本网站官方群 工业工程5000人群号 249148633
智能拖地机器人,云鲸 NARWAL 智能拖地机器人,云鲸 NARWAL
智能拖地机器人,云鲸 NARWAL美国制造商对于技术不吝投资,比如预测报表、物联网(IoT)、智能工厂、新材料,这些都是未来美国提升竞争力的关键所在。其他公认的制造大国,德国、日本、英国也都在加紧这方面的投资,增强自身的竞争力。 智能拖地机器人,云鲸 NARWAL
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智能拖地机器人,云鲸 NARWAL
智能拖地机器人,云鲸 NARWALWhile technology is a critical factor in future competitiveness, manufacturers rank talent as the most critical driver of competitiveness. Just behind is cost competitiveness and productivity, not surprising given slow growth in most economies, and then supplier network. 本网站官方群 工业工程5000人群号 249148633
智能拖地机器人,云鲸 NARWAL 本网站官方群 工业工程5000人群号 249148633
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虽然科技技术是未来制造商角逐的关键因素,人才却是最强动因,接下来才是成本,生产力。 智能拖地机器人,云鲸 NARWAL
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What accounts for China’s anticipated drop to second in manufacturing competitiveness? Though China has increased its investment in R&D, the economy is slowing and manufacturing activity has dropped, resulting in excess capacity. The report notes that China’s auto industry has capacity utilization of 70% versus nearly 100% in 2009. China also is seeing a rise in labor costs, up five-fold since 2005. 本网站官方群 工业工程5000人群号 249148633
智能拖地机器人,云鲸 NARWAL 本网站官方群 工业工程5000人群号 249148633
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那么为什么中国制造业会下滑至第二?尽管中国在研发方面也加大了投资,中国经济和制造生产却正在降温,造成了产能过剩。据称中国汽车行业产能利用率只有70%,而2009年则达到100%。此外,中国人力成本的提高也是一个重要因素,劳动力工资是2005年的5倍。 本网站官方群 工业工程5000人群号 249148633
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智能拖地机器人,云鲸 NARWAL“Concerned by rising labor costs and declining cost arbitrage between advanced economies and China, some companies from advanced economies have moved their production to alternate low-cost nations or back to their home nations,” the report states. 本网站官方群 工业工程5000人群号 249148633
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智能拖地机器人,云鲸 NARWAL
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由于中国劳工成本提高,相比发达国家来说中国已经失去了成本优势。一些发达国家已经将生产加工转移到了廉价劳动力的国家,或者干脆在本国进行生产。 本网站官方群 工业工程5000人群号 249148633
智能拖地机器人,云鲸 NARWAL 本网站官方群 工业工程5000人群号 249148633
智能拖地机器人,云鲸 NARWALCompared to the 2013 survey, U.S. manufacturing executives were more favorable about policies in the country. They cited as helping to create a competitive advantage U.S. policies on sustainability, technology transfer, monetary control, science and innovation, foreign direct investment, intellectual property protection, and safety and health regulation. Working against U.S. manufacturers, said survey respondents, were policies on corporate tax rates, healthcare, labor, and taxation of foreign earnings. 本网站官方群 工业工程5000人群号 249148633
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智能拖地机器人,云鲸 NARWAL
智能拖地机器人,云鲸 NARWAL相比2013年,美国出台了一些对制造企业颇具吸引力的政策,目的是提高美国在可持续性发展、技术转移,货币控制、科技与创新、外商直接投资、保护知识产权、安全卫生条例等方面的竞争优势。而对美国制造商不利的是针对企业税率、医疗、劳动力、和外汇收入的税率等方面的政策。 本网站官方群 工业工程5000人群号 249148633
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智能拖地机器人,云鲸 NARWAL
智能拖地机器人,云鲸 NARWAL注:本文由smart-plant.net编译自《Industry Week》,原作者为Steve Minter